No Plan B – Stand in faith until you succeed!

Hey, what’s up, all you passionate people? Welcome to another edition of Passion and Grit. For those of you that don’t know, we just came back from three weeks solid of my son being in ICU at Arnold Palmer and I want to address something that happened during that time. We made a few videos, […]

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Quit the offense, be YOU

Hey, what’s up, all you passionate people? Welcome to another edition of Passion and Grit where we believe that Monday’s don’t have to suck. Today I want to talk about something that’s really touchy. Everybody is so scared today of offending people. There’s so many people getting offended and that’s all we see in the […]

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So you want to get rich huh?

Hey, what’s up, all you passionate people? Welcome to another edition of Passion and Grit where we believe that Monday’s don’t have to suck. Today I want to talk to you about getting rich. I hear people say it all the time: “I want to get rich! I want to get wealthy!” Let me first […]

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